
Look below to find out what grammar magic Lemmatize does specifically for your language. Some of these features are unique to Lemmatize and can't be found anywhere else!

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  • Separable verb detection: In the example phrase "sie wandte sich noch eben rechtzeitig um", both "wandte" and "um" will have their lemma set to "umwenden". When reading, this means that separable verbs are translated correctly. Other apps can usually only do this with whole-sentence translation, if at all. Additionally, flashcards for separable verbs only blank out one of the words, with the multiple choices answers still having the correct part of speech
  • Contraction detection: Some contractions are accounted for. For example, such as the 's in "tut's" is colored separately from 'tut' and is correctly translated and stored as 'es'. Similarly, verbs with the -e chopped off (e.g. "warte" -> "wart'") are translated and stored as still having that -e
  • Outdated spelling detection: Many obsolete spellings like 'roth', 'thun', 'thut' are correctly translated and stored as having the modern spelling (e.g. 'rot' and 'tun')
  • Combined adjectives and adverbs: In German, the lines between adjectives and adverbs are blurry, so Lemmatize considers them to be the same part of speech when adding such words to your collection. However, Lemmatize tries to translate with the more specific part of speech in cases where there might be a difference grammatically
  • Nominalized adjective detection: In the example phrase "etwas Richtiges", "Richtiges" will be lemmatized as the adjective "richtig" rather than a noun. This detection also works for phrases with was, nichts, and nix (e.g. was anderem, nichts besonderes, nix altes)
  • Present participle detection: Adjectives and adverbs ending in 'nd' or 'end' (once the declension is stripped off) are lemmatized as verbs, e.g. the adjective 'fliegender' is mapped to the verb 'fliegen' for knowledge tracking and flashcards. By providing translations for both the word and the lemma, you will be able to see this relationship while reading

  • Outdated spelling detection: Many obsolete spellings like 'Vd.', 'ú', and 'ó' are correctly translated and stored as having the modern spellings
  • Contraction detection: Some contracted titles like "Uds." and "Sra." are correctly translated and stored as their full forms (e.g. 'ustedes' and 'señora')
  • Combined adjectives and adverbs: In Spanish, the lines between adjectives and adverbs are blurry, so Lemmatize considers them to be the same part of speech when adding such words to your collection. However, Lemmatize tries to translate with the more specific part of speech in cases where there might be a difference grammatically

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